Christian Literature Distribution

We are Distributing Christian litrature among the christians and gentille nations .

Sowing the Seed of The Word of God is wonderful. Spreading The Gospel is like sowing the seeds which will grow fruit, some 30%, 60 % and 100%. People are busy with their lives and they are not aware of choosing the right path. They are following what their forefathers have followed. There are only 3 % Christians in Pakistan and rest of the people are yet to be reached. They need someone who can give them Good News. It is written in

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. “The Lord Jesus Christ gave HIS life for us. HE has commanded us to reach all those people who have not heard The Word of God as written in
Matthew 28:19-20
we go to different villages and unreached areas and we distribute the Christian literature so people can know the Jesus Christ. We are praying that we can reach more and more areas so we can share the Word of God with more people and win their hearts and souls for Jesus Christ. After they receive the literature, and show interest in knowing more about Jesus Christ, we give them more literature which has details of the teachings of the Jesus Christ and Christianity.

We also guide them to contact pastors and evangelists to seek guidance in detail. We wish that all people of the world should know about Jesus Christ especially in this part of the World. We have 2 Christian Literature distribution events every month. We purchase Christian literature from Christian Book shops which is very well prepared for the new Non-Believers. We need your support in prayers and financial needs for Christian Literature Distribution events every month. If you want to sow the seed of The Bible in this part of the World and want to participate with us for this great cause.